Way North: Chateau Gonflable from New Dreams, Old Stories (Roots2Boot)
Florian Favre: Nouthra Dona di Maortse from
Idantita (Traumton)
Antonia Hausmann: Let’s Talk from
Teleidoscope (nWog)
Antonia Hausmann: 105 from Teleidoscope (nWog)
Lorenzo De Finti Quartet: Whispers From the End of
the World from Mysterium Lunae (Losen)
Anders Lonne Gronseth Multiverse: Escalon from
Outer View (NXN)
Joel Ross: The Impetus (To Be and Do Better) from
The Parable of the Poet (Blue Note)
Hannes Zerbe Quintett: Part XVIII from Live
in A-Trane Berlin (Jazzhausmusik)